Vol. 5 (2), 2007
Autism Spectrum Disorders and Ayurvedic Approach of Management
Abhimanyu Kumar
National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur, India
Abstract: Recent epidemiological studies indicate a rise in autism over the years. Children with autistic disorder show impairment in social relationship, communication and activities. Although various treatments have been claimed to have a dramatic impact on children with autism, review of available data provide little or no evidence of cure.
Ayurveda, the science of life, is based on universal laws of nature and adopts holistic approach for management of physical as well as mental problems and offers an unique approach to the management of Autism based on the principles of dosha and prakriti. Special education and psychological interventions according to the prakriti of the autistic child including behavioral & cognitive interventions are main stays of treatment. Other aspect addresses dietary modification and lifestyle counseling.
Autism: A Case Study
Abhimanyu Kumar
National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur, India
History: a 3-year-old, male child (VG) was brought by his mother just to ensure whether he is normal. His mother narrated that VG, even after his first birthday did not start walking and did not utter a word. He had not shown interest in toys received as gift on his birthday. VG wanted to be far away from people all the time. In the presence of guests he refused to come to the living room. Elder sister of VG was three years older than him and was showing features and activities like other normal children. VG was screened and was diagnosed for autism. His Prakriti was evaluated as Vata-kapha. The management was planned out around his prakriti and status of doshas.
Western and Ayurvedic Assessments of A Patient with Spastic Hemiplegia
*Ariana Vora and +Rahul S Kathawate
*Harvard Medical School, Boston MA and +Tilak Ayurvedic College, Pune, India
Abstract: The medical approach to integrative medicine has focused primarily on standardized interventions, which do not reflect the complex, individualized, multi-interventional practice of Ayurveda in Indian academic medical centers. With the objective of informing research methodology and illustrating an example of each system’s pathophysiologic and clinical assessment, we present a patient from the standpoint of the Western model and the Ayurvedic model.